+7(985) 128-48-13

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Домашняя кухня с доставкой к вашему столу

Вкусные домашние блюда!

Аппетитные блюда кухни разных стран мира


Вкусные ароматные супы
кухни разных стран, 
национальные популярные блюда...

Bread Rolls

Simply delicious bread

rolls with a crisp crust

and chewy texture.

Популярные блюда национальной кухни разных стран

Here you will find your favorite bread, cookies, cakes, pastries, and pies. However, this is not a full list of what you may get here. Besides, you can create a cake yourself - just get ready-made ingredients, syrups, cooking creams,...

Picking up your cake from our store, you’ll be assisted with our friendly team, dive into a cozy atmosphere, lighten up your mood with the overall impression of the place. You can get a personalized bakery or pastry - don’t...

It is like a delicious card, where you can place any image and any text that you want. Except for this card is edible. Do you have a wedding? A party? A family gathering? Do you want to spend an...

+7(985) 128-48-13


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